Web-UI for ARK-Server

ARK, a survival game with tame dinosaurs is currently a real hype, also for my kids. Setting up a private gameserver on an Ubuntu PC is quite easy using the tools from GameServerManagers.com. But there are two big things missing: first, the arkserver doesn’t start up automatically when booting Ubuntu, second you need access to the servers command prompt for starting / restarting the server.

A simple web-ui adresses this needs: using the node.js process manager pm2, it starts together with ubuntu, starting the arkserver and web-ui. Over a simple webpage you have access to the most important commands of the server: start, restart, stop, status and update.

There is no authentication right now, so use it only in your private LAN.

Github repository and installing instructions: https://github.com/ancasicolica/arkserver-web-ui

ARK-Server Web UI